Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Part 3

Dark Knight-=Part 3. Joker is a picture -a literal "picture" of a man who is not hiding behind the facade of a Christian worldview. All common grace has been removed from him. MOst of the pagans in America simply borrow the ethics of Christianity then spit in the face of their Creator. The Dark Knight, is similar to many other films in America where the conciousness of the director is sending little modern political messages ((i.e. notice in the Bee Movie when the bees are pulling down the honey bear like the soldiers did to Saddam's statue in Baghdad--hence implying that the bees were wrong to do what they did, stop making honey..or invading Iraq)) and Hollywood is repeatedly asking and searching the question of what is the real "good" and the truly noble. All the mean while they continue to come up with Christian truths of morality, but in the end, it is the goodness of the person themselves...And this, I believe, has been the message of too many naive Christians---You do...

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