Thursday, July 24, 2008

Part 2

Dark Knight Part 2-- which is, what is really good. Who is really good? Can anyone be trusted? What is the true nobility? Notice the portrayal of the prisoner who throws the detonator out the window, and neither ship blows up the other. "THere is still some "good" people out there", the movie says. Which is true. However, those good people are only good because of Christ. Hollywood of course, never gets that biblical and leaves it to the individual's own righteousness from within themselves--the relentless message of Hollywood. In some sense, its about what "principle" to live by and indeed some noble sacrifice--the commissioner's and batman's decision to save Harvey rather than the girl. Evil, is found within all of us, says the Joker..."Those schemers, he calls the "civilized" people. And indeed he is like the satanic tempter to Harvey. It is only the "good" that keeps us right. And there are those good. Hollywood just never can get beyond the blindness of the self.

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