Monday, December 24, 2007

Tom Schreiner on Romans, thoughts

"What the law could not produce was obedience to the will of God. Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel predicted a day when God would grant his people the ability to keep the law. The imprint of teaching to which believers are delivered fulfills this promise; they obey from the heart because of the transforming work of God." But it wasn't just the ability to keep the law, they had the ability to be sure..And nor is it that now we have the ability to keep the law exactly like an Israelite should have. Rather, the enabling of the Holy Spirit and the New Covenant would drastically and joyously reverse the major trend of apostasy in the Old Covenant. The effect and promise of the Christ is far deeper and richer in the hearts of the Israel of God now. It is more along the lines that in the Old Aeon we had lots of privileges and blessings, but many shadows; Now, we have a superabundance of power, graces, gifts, and wisdom, knowledge, etc., We need to think of the transition from the old creation to the new creation more in this way, not bifurcating the two or throwing one out i.e. the treasure of Torah (be honest-it leads to fuzzy and vague antinomianism) but seeing it as from good to great.

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