Wednesday, December 5, 2007

In praise of this "dumbed down" modern writer

Boring, dry, tedious, long, wordy, mostly unhelpful books are a sin......

There, I said it... Ahh! You say, it all depends on the evaluation of the person who is reading it but....

If it is a book on theology, and thus about Jesus, then yep', I stand by my words...

And so, in praise of modern evangelicalism and the more modern style of writing, I herald forth that it is a good thing to write fewer words in plain language....

Therefore, I speak in praise of N.T. Wright's book, "The Resurrection of the Son of God." Though it is 738 pp's, I rub my weary eyes with joy to read this great modern evangelical for his superb learning, his plain language, his feeding me content with interest, and most of all for his not making deep scholarship a bore!! Hooray, for this fine Englishmen!

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