Thursday, July 22, 2010

James Jordan-2010 BH Conf on "Wine, Women, Song, and Death"

For the bride to be glorified, the Bridegroom has to be sacrificed. This is Christ and His Church. From Adam’s death, comes Eve. From Christ’s death, comes the Church. Phil 2 Christ poured himself out. It is sacrificial language. Paul said that he is about to be poured out. Pouring out results in glorification.

Christ died for the Church. In Islam, men do not die sacrificially to beautify their brides. They debase women. They die so that they can rape 70 virgins in heaven!

Jordan believes that Islam is Satan's counterfeit New Covenant. We drink wine, they ban it. We honor women's sexuality, Muslims "circumcise" theirs. We glorify women in song. Women are the shape of biblical song. Men sing bass, the foundation of songs, women sing soprano and Alto, the "front" and most glorifying part of songs.

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