Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another quip from our family poet

So we have a crisis in our family.. Jana calls them poop days.. What's that you ask? Ohhh, it's the days that our beloved Julia needs to use the loo. It's an all-day, public family affair. I say public because Julia whines, fights, wrestles, cries and bellows in agony for pretty much the whole day to anyone far or near. Oh, she's quite content to go in her shorts, no issue there. She wrestles like a champ, though we would prefer she wrestle with something that takes a little more courage.

So the quip comes from of course Abigail. She had one of my short tent pegs (a stand in for a magic wand) and says:

"Julia, Now with this magic wand I shall make you go poop!"

Did it work? Yes, only hours later with a movie to distract her.

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