Sunday, November 12, 2006

Life in Idaho

Well, Jana and I have decided to enter the blog world. I know my Dad will be happy to see me progressing in technology. Maybe someday I can be like him with a microchip in his brain that works as his blackberry! This blog will primarily be a great way for family and friends to see how we are and a good way to "keep in touch" through word and picture.... :) Here are the chillins just about to go to the annual Reformation Day party on Oct. 31st. October 31st is the day that a Catholic monk named Martin Luther, filled to the top in frustration with the abuses of the Catholic church posted his famous "95 Theses" on the door of the church at Wittenberg in Germany in 1517. God would use him to really shake up the western world in showing what the true holy, catholic and apostolic church believed. He recaptured many things that the church "once and for all delivered to the saints" has always believed. Anyway, here are the kids here--happy that they have a relationship with God by faith alone, which is one of the principal truths that Luther helped the church to recover by His Spirit. See all of the links to the right there, go and see them, they're a bunch of pics! I also have an exhortation for Moms there too. See ya!

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