Psalm 16:6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
a Prayer,
Our triumphant King and risen Lord Jesus, This is the day that you have made, we rejoice and are glad in it. We thank you heartily for the solid meat of real food, of real worship, and good theology. We praise you for weather, for all the kinds of weather you give us. We have tasted of some of the best of food, we have heard of the sweetest of sounds, smelled the most succulent of aromas, and have felt of the glory of what another person feels like who is made in your image. We thank you for all things earthy, for all things messy, we thank you for the windows of the souls of men in other’s eyes. We truly have eaten of the fat, and drunk of the sweet, and we do not desire to wax fat and kick as it was said of Jeshurun. We do not want the daughter of our prosperity to consume us and make our physical and spiritual eyes bulge with fatness and laziness. We are profoundly thankful, desire to be content to the bone with our monotony, and mundane matters, not despising the longsuffering and forbearance that you show us which shows your goodness leading us to repentance. Thank you and praise you God for the blood, and the mud, the sweat, and the tears of your love for us and for our love in turn for you and for our brothers and sisters. Thank you Jesus for hard work. Fatigue, lined eyes, and for headaches. You are more important and others are more important than pain. Thank you for a clean conscience through repentance, what a gift, what -a -gift. For joy, laughter, a pure heart, and for holiness. For the body of Christ, the twirky personalities, the immaturity and struggle within us which through your providence drives us to You and drives us all to struggle with one another. Teach us to love, large hearts, open minds, flexible with others personalities and differences. Enlarge our respect for our brothers and sisters, give mutual love and understanding. Wash away the filth of Saruman in us, the pettiness, anger, bitterness, envy, discontent, lust, and pride. Renew us, remake us, and break us down, so that we are remade into the true and real new Man, the Man Christ Jesus unto all things, our Head, our Praise.
Jesus’ name,
Our triumphant King and risen Lord Jesus, This is the day that you have made, we rejoice and are glad in it. We thank you heartily for the solid meat of real food, of real worship, and good theology. We praise you for weather, for all the kinds of weather you give us. We have tasted of some of the best of food, we have heard of the sweetest of sounds, smelled the most succulent of aromas, and have felt of the glory of what another person feels like who is made in your image. We thank you for all things earthy, for all things messy, we thank you for the windows of the souls of men in other’s eyes. We truly have eaten of the fat, and drunk of the sweet, and we do not desire to wax fat and kick as it was said of Jeshurun. We do not want the daughter of our prosperity to consume us and make our physical and spiritual eyes bulge with fatness and laziness. We are profoundly thankful, desire to be content to the bone with our monotony, and mundane matters, not despising the longsuffering and forbearance that you show us which shows your goodness leading us to repentance. Thank you and praise you God for the blood, and the mud, the sweat, and the tears of your love for us and for our love in turn for you and for our brothers and sisters. Thank you Jesus for hard work. Fatigue, lined eyes, and for headaches. You are more important and others are more important than pain. Thank you for a clean conscience through repentance, what a gift, what -a -gift. For joy, laughter, a pure heart, and for holiness. For the body of Christ, the twirky personalities, the immaturity and struggle within us which through your providence drives us to You and drives us all to struggle with one another. Teach us to love, large hearts, open minds, flexible with others personalities and differences. Enlarge our respect for our brothers and sisters, give mutual love and understanding. Wash away the filth of Saruman in us, the pettiness, anger, bitterness, envy, discontent, lust, and pride. Renew us, remake us, and break us down, so that we are remade into the true and real new Man, the Man Christ Jesus unto all things, our Head, our Praise.
Jesus’ name,

This is Peter Parker's bro, he is actually our son. He actually let us take a direct shot of him, he just saved a squirrel from getting run over before this shot... We are okay with his spider powers...You know, every now and then we have to reprimand him for throwing web balls at his friends who just took his toy, but hey, we're proud of him...
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